How to enter the Web3 Space?
This blog contains a section of a podcast — Web3 Digital Marketing Entrepreneur.
Jeff: So the one thing I want to touch upon is that I think you have worked in the marketing space in and in all the major spaces you have worked on. So I’m working in a blockchain-based company, so I know how to work on that. At first time, it was really hard to grasp the ideas. What is this? What is that? It’s pretty hard. But later on, it got caught on. So I want to know if my audience sometimes wants to create change or something to this web three-space since it’s growing right now. What do you want to say to them from your experience working in this place? Do you have any thoughts on that?
Emily: So when I first entered the blockchain space, it was crypto back then, and I needed something to help me understand where to start. Right. So the only thing I learned from was when I was at; they had the podcast and the news desk, which was a great resource to learn from. But apart from Reddit and block geeks, there was nothing else, and it was all very technical. And the people who were in crypto were very ideological, cyberpunks, crypto people.
So nobody was willing to share much because they all thought everybody should understand it, right? So I had to learn myself. But now we’re very fortunate to have a lot of resources available to us. And I work with you well. I don’t work with her, but she’s my partner in crime, Regan. She has many resources to help people transition from web two to web three. She’s got this great enormous free resource or notion that enables you to understand where you should be looking, what skill sets you need, and what fits in web three. So looking for those kinds of resources is handy.
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