How to increase the click rates on Youtube.
Hey, guys so I know many of you have a problem with getting the attention of the audience when you are releasing a video on youtube or Instagram or Facebook wherever it is especially when it comes to long-form video content. Well, today I may be able to solve the problem for you.
Every single video creates will always have a message or information that needs to be delivered. The interesting thing is where you are going to place that information. But will the viewer wait throughout the video unless you give a little bit of a hint of what it is about?
There is actually not a lot of possibilities. Because for every single title you search on youtube there are hundreds and hundreds of videos under that one single topic. So I always suggest that you put the message at least 75% of it on the front and let the audience decide whether they should watch the entire video or not.
I will help you get through this with an example.
“Curiosity Part”
This is a screenshot of the video that Garyvee recently uploaded. I am just taking him as an example. There are a lot of other YouTubers who do this. You can follow them also. What he is doing here is that he took a part of his video which actually presents in the middle or before the end of the video and pasted it in the front of the video.
He won’t give the whole message in what I named it a “Curiosity part” where it grabs the attention of the viewers what he is about the say and what the whole video will be about. So in this video, It is like asking a question about how to build a brand through TikTok.
Even though you have it through the title or the thumbnail when people actually click and watch the video it is important to increase the watch time of the video. That way you get maximum engagement such as likes, comments, and shares. Because if someone hasn’t watched the whole video the possibility of sharing the video is less.
There is another strategy that was performed by YouTubers. What he does is that to increase the curiosity of the audience he will post a small preview of what is he going to post in a short form of video content.
As you can see in this image above he puts up a preview first which acts as a curiosity part which will create expectations among the viewers which will increase the number of views. But the watch time metric is determined by the quality content which is presented in the whole video.
Intro part:
This is a common attractive action performed by YouTubers that are putting the intro for the channel not just for the particular video. This intro can be of the creator’s choice. Because there is no hard and fast rule that the intro video should be like ‘this or that’. It will reflect the creativity of the creator and also his dedication to creating the intro.
Garyvee is using this intro for a long time and this also plays a major role in remembering what your brand would be about. ‘Repetition’ one of the strongest tools in branding where if you show something again and again for a long period of time it will stick on to the viewer.
Big companies like Intel use this sound which can even be sung by mouth by anyone. That is what the power of ‘Repetition’ is.
Rookie’s example:
I have shown you the expert’s video editing techniques. Now as a beginner it is sometimes hard to implement this. Because we won’t be able to identify which is an important part of our video. If you want a video version of this click here.
If you are a reader well just scroll down
Curiosity part:
As you can see here the part which I have circled (Not an actual circle) is the curiosity part. It will tell you what you are going to see in this video which will let you decide do you wanna watch the video or not. If you wanna hear it let me know.
Intro part:
The circle part will show you the intro of my channel which is simple in my case. For you, it can be dramatic or cinematic whatever you like. Remember one thing if you are spending a lot of time creating an intro which is cinematic and really awesome rather than a simple and professional one makes sure you stick to it for a really long time.
Because if you keep on spending time on changing the intro for the channel the time consumed for creating the intro will be more than the production of the actual video itself.
Well, this is the tricky part. Sometimes it will be hard to find which part of the video that we need to place in the front. Well, make sure that your ‘Curiosity Part’ answers the following questions.
- What is your video is about?
- For whom the video is created?
- How long will the video be? — This can be indicated by a progress bar which I will explain in the next blog.
So, if you are able to achieve all this then your video watch time and the click rates will increase for sure. But it will take some time and a lot more videos because you of many people know that “Nothing comes overnight”.
If you like this idea make sure you give a thumbs up and if you want to watch the video version of it click here @TheTeenWhispererShow. I will see you guys soon.