How will virtual tours evolve in the future?
This blog contains a section of a podcast — Web3 Digital Marketing Entrepreneur and the opinion of the host is added after that.
Sean: We provide virtual tours that are like our golden goose, golden egg product or service that we provide to these businesses. And it’s been great. I mean, we have, I would say, on average, businesses that do around seven figures that we work with, your typical research company, research facility, school, in excess of like 50,000 to 100 we charge based on the square footage. So we’re not talking about a small facility, but the facility is now able to have a 3D tour so that you can have a nice perspective of investors looking to check out the facility, and pouring money into the facility. Same thing with schools, the same thing with a lot of other niches that we work with. So I only think it’s going to get bigger, it’s only going to get better.
Host’s Opinion:
According to my research, the cost of creating a virtual tour of a building and creating a virtual Metaverse world is a little different. But based on the customization the cost might vary in the virtual world. So probably businesses moving into the metaverse might explore the possibilities of creating a virtual tour before creating a Metaverse. Because the people who are handling the metaverse need to be trained properly by a virtual reality coach. So if you are a business having a budget of around $1k then you should definitely go for it.
What is your thought on the evolution of virtual tours?
Would you give it a shot?