What is Work-Life Balance? (A Rookie’s perspective)
Hey guys great to see you again. Now, this blog is all about the so-called problem of the Millenials which is work-life balance. If you are reading this and you are already in a job please forgive me because you may start to curse me because I have never been on a full-time job.
But when I was doing some freelancing projects I felt some kind of problem between my personal life, academics, and my professional career.
So thought about giving some tips that I followed in order to balance that. But before going into that we need to see some interesting statistics to know the depth of this problem.
According to Forbes
- 29% of people say their bosses expect them to work even on their vacation.
From the top 25 companies, 20% of employees are not satisfied with their work-life balance. - People ages 18 to 25 report the highest rates of working on their vacation to keep up with their bosses’ expectations (37%).
- People in business development are called upon most during vacation time (44%).
- 33% say work-life balance is their number one concern over compensation, advancement and job stability.
My Opinion:
If you are working 5 days a week and the last 2 days the “Weekend” the days of enjoyment is interrupted by your boss means people will start to say that
“I have lost my work-life balance”
Gary Vaynerchuck said “If you are living for your weekend you are doomed”.
My opinion is also more or less the same. If you are going to get a job that will pay you a lot but doesn’t give you a chance to improve yourself or to be happy then you should definitely change.
I know what everyone is gonna say “It is easier to say that to do”. Yes, that is actually true. But do know this if you are actually making efforts to get a job that you love then you won't have any regrets and nagging.
So all I am saying is let’s work hard in order to get the job. I am saying exactly to those people who are my age and are going to get the job. Let’s try this out.
If you want to check out the video version of this blog then click here.
So, what is your solution for Work-Life balance? Let us know in the comment section below.